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Blustream Dante Converter 轉換器: 透過網路系統輕鬆延長音頻


Dante Logo - Dante is the product name for a combination of software, hardware, and network protocols that delivers uncompressed, multi-channel, low-latency digital audio over a standard Ethernet network using Layer 3 IP packets.

如果您正在尋找一個可以將模擬音頻設備無縫連接到 Dante 網絡的音頻解決方案, Blustream Dante 轉換器 (Dante Converter) 絕對是最齊全而性價比高的方案!本文將向您介紹 DA11AEN、DA11ADE 和 DA11USB 這幾款型號的轉換器 (Dante Converter) ,並講解如何輕鬆提升音頻體驗。

Dante® Audio Converters



Dante® Audio Analogue Encoder

DA11AEN Dante® Audio Analogue Encoder - has been designed to encode unbalanced or balanced 2ch analogue audio to Dante® digital signal.
DA11AEN Dante® Audio Analogue Encoder

第一款,DA11AEN是款便攜式小巧設備,可以將非平衡或平衡的 2 路模擬音頻信號編碼成為可通過任何 Dante 網絡傳輸的數字音頻數據。DA11AEN 可以將任何非 Dante 音頻源(如混音台、擴音機、計算機和 Blustream 矩陣產品或分銷產品)連接為 Dante 網絡內的音源。DA11AEN採用即插即用的設計,輕鬆啟動並使用,無需進行繁瑣的設置過程。DA11AEN 可以使用任何 PoE 網絡交換機的 PoE(Power over Ethernet)供電,也可以通過本地 12v 電源供應輸入(另售)供電。

  • Encodes unbalanced or balanced 2ch analogue audio to a Dante® digital signal

  • Supports 44.1, 48 & 96 KHz sample rates @ 24 Bit

  • Configurable Dante® device latency (supports 1, 2 or 5ms configurable using Dante® Controller)

  • Independent input sensitivity control per channel: +24dBu to -10dBV

  • Supports AES67 RTP audio transport

  • Features Class 1 802.3af PoE for powering of product from any PoE switch

DA11AEN Example Schematic
DA11AEN Example Schematic


Dante® Audio Analogue Decoder

DA11ADE Dante® Audio Analogue Decoder - has been designed to decode a Dante® digital signal to unbalanced or balanced 2ch analogue audio.
DA11ADE Dante® Audio Analogue Decoder

第二款轉換器是DA11ADE,可以將 Dante 音頻信號解碼回非平衡或平衡的 2 路模擬音頻,為 Dante 啟用設備連接到模擬音頻系統的理想解決方案。與 DA11AEN 一樣,DA11ADE 採用即插即用設計,易於設置。DA11ADE 可使用任何 PoE 網絡交換機的 PoE(Power over Ethernet)供電,或通過本地 12v 電源輸入供電。DA11ADE 亦支援 AES67 RTP 音頻傳輸,以及根據需要調整音頻靈敏度的每通道獨立增益。

  • Decodes a Dante® digital signal to unbalanced or balanced 2ch analogue audio

  • Supports 44.1, 48 & 96 KHz sample rates @ 24 Bit

  • Configurable Dante® device latency (supports 1, 2 or 5ms configurable using Dante® Controller)

  • Independent output gain control per channel: +18dBu to -10dBV

  • Supports AES67 RTP audio transport

  • Features Class 1 802.3af PoE for powering of product from any PoE switch

DA11ADE Example Schematic
DA11ADE Example Schematic


Dante® USB Audio Encoder / Decoder

DA11USB Dante® USB Audio Encoder / Decoder - has been designed to both encode 2ch USB audio to a Dante® digital signal, and decode a Dante® digital signal to 2ch USB audio.
DA11USB Dante® USB Audio Encoder / Decoder

第三款轉換器是 DA11USB,是一款 USB 到 Dante 轉換器,可將任何 USB 音頻設備連接到 Dante 網絡。DA11USB同樣採用即插即用設計,輕鬆啟動並使用,無需進行繁瑣的設置過程。DA11USB 既可以將 2 路 USB 音頻編碼成 Dante 數字信號,也可以將 Dante 數字信號解碼成 2 路 USB 音頻。具有 USB Type-B 和 USB-C 連接,可通過開關進行選擇,支援 PoE(Power Over Ethernet)或從 USB 設備提供的 5V 供電,亦支援 AES67 RTP 音頻傳輸。

  • Encodes 1ch USB audio to Dante® digital signal

  • Decodes a Dante® digital signal to USB audio

  • Selectable USB audio between USB Type-B and USB-C inputs

  • Compliant with USB Audio Device Class Specification V1.0

  • Supports 44.1 & 48 KHz sample rates @ 16 Bit

  • Configurable Dante® device latency (supports 1, 2 or 5ms configurable using Dante® Controller)

  • Supports AES67 RTP audio transport

  • Features Class 3 IEEE 802.3af PoE for powering of product from any PoE switch

  • Supports power via 5V USB for when network switch does not support PoE

DA11USB Example Schematic
DA11USB Example Schematic

此系列的轉換器 (Dante Converter) 旨在提供穩定而高品質的音頻信號,確保音頻體驗達到最佳水平,配合支援多路音頻、低延遲操作和易於使用的網絡界面,這些設備是任何音頻設置的理想選擇。

如果您正在尋找可靠、易於使用,且能提供高品質聲音的音頻解決方案,Blustream Dante 轉換器 (Dante Converter) 可以輕鬆解決所有音頻需求。



Address: Room 903, Block A, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong // 九龍灣宏照道11號寶隆中心A座903室

Tel: +852 3104 3010 Email:

Nanpeng Tech - Est. 1990, AV Integration Specialist in the market
Nanpeng Technology Development Limited

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